Models Overview

This section provides an overview of the models used in DemoGPT. Currently, we are using two main models, LogicModel and StreamlitModel. These models interact with the OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo to perform specific tasks and generate LangChain pipelines automatically.


This Python module contains the implementation of three main classes - BaseModel, LogicModel, and StreamlitModel. The classes encapsulate a way to interact with OpenAI and the logic to refine and execute python code using a subprocess, while also managing temporary files.



The BaseModel is a foundational class used to interact with OpenAI.


  • openai_api_key: The API key for OpenAI.
  • llm: An instance of the ChatOpenAI class.


  • __init__(self,openai_api_key): A constructor that initializes the BaseModel with the provided OpenAI API key.
  • refine_code(self,code): A method that refines python code removing markdown code block syntax.


LogicModel is a class used to interact with OpenAI to obtain python code and subsequently refine, test, and execute it.


  • code_chain: An instance of LLMChain with the code_prompt.
  • test_chain: An instance of LLMChain with the test_prompt.
  • Other chain attributes for refining, fixing, and checking code.


  • __init__(self,openai_api_key): A constructor that initializes the LogicModel with the provided OpenAI API key.
  • addDocuments(self): This method reads text from a specified file and saves it to self.document.
  • decode_results(self, results): This method decodes the result of the subprocess command.
  • run_python(self,code): This method executes python code using a subprocess and decodes the result.
  • __call__(self,topic,num_iterations=10): This method uses the various chains to generate, refine, and test python code based on a given topic.


StreamlitModel is a class that uses OpenAI to create a Streamlit app, which is then run as a subprocess.


  • streamlit_code_chain: An instance of LLMChain with the streamlit_code_prompt.


  • __init__(self,openai_api_key): A constructor that initializes the StreamlitModel with the provided OpenAI API key.
  • run_code(self,code): This method writes the Streamlit code to a temporary file and runs it as a subprocess.
  • __call__(self,topic, title, code, test_code,progress_func,success_func): This method generates the Streamlit code, executes it, and returns the process ID.